Agency Leadership


Jim Martin

Chief Executive Officer

Jim Martin Joined Community Concepts, Inc. as CEO in January 2023 and previously served as Chief Program Officer at Sweetser, an agency that provides behavioral health services throughout Maine. In October 2023, he led the partnership agreement between CCI and Oxford County Mental Health Services, with Jim appointed as Executive Director of OCMHS. Prior to Sweetser, Jim held a variety of positions in the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, including Director of the Offices of Child and Family Services and of Aging and Disability Services; he also previously served as a Child Protection Case Worker in DHHS’s Lewiston office. Jim holds a Masters of Social Work from the University of New England, where he has also served as an adjunct professor. Jim and his family reside in Raymond.

Email Jim

Ashlee Brooks, LCSW, MHRT-C/CSP

Clinical Director

Ashlee manages the Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU), Crisis Response Services (OCCR), Beacon House Peer Recovery Center, and the Home-Community Treatment Services (HCT). 

Ashlee joined OCMHS as a Mobile Crisis Response worker in September of 2010. She obtained her Master’s degree at the University of New England in 2016. 

Prior ro joining OCMHS leadership in December of 2017, Ashlee was a Child Forensic Interviewer and Outpatient Therapist in the Spurwink Services children’s program. She is committed to providing improved access to quality services in Oxford County.  

Email Ashlee

Board of Directors

Alexander Sinclair, Board Chair

Maurice Porter, Vice Chair

Dot Adams, Secretary

Jason Rosenberg

Beverly Bowker

Courtney Harmon

Pamela Miller
Finance Manager

Pam manages the finances of OCMHS, which includes payroll, accounts receivables, accounts payables and budgeting.

Pam joined the agency as a Finance Assistant in March of 1997 and became the Finance Manager in 2013.  She looks forward to continuing to work with the Senior Management Team to expand services and improve agency finances.

Email Pam

Amy Hodsdon
Operations Manager

Amy leads the agency through an ongoing process of continuously improving our service delivery processes and efficient use of technology for quality improvement, strategic planning, and maintaining collaborative community partnerships.

Amy joined OCMHS as a Daily Living Support Services worker in January of 2012.  After a year of working direct service with clients, she moved to the front desk where she has made incredible agency-wide improvements.  Most notably being the Implementation Team leader when OCMHS transitioned from paper documentation to an Electronic Health Record in 2016.  Amy has been a part of increasing program quality, ensured accurate billing, and expanding programs since joining the Management Team in 2016.

Prior to joining OCMHS Amy served as a Commander Secretary and Freedom Of Information Act Manager for the Department of Defense at Headquarters United States Air Forces in Europe.

Email Amy

Call Us

Rumford: (207)364-3549
Fax: 207-364-2143

Norway: (207)739-7001
Fax: 207-743-2999


Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday 

8:00AM - 4:30PM 

If you are in need of immediate assistance please contact Maine Crisis Line: 1.888.568.1112 

Available 24/7

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